DBK had to oppurtunity to meet this young lady a couple months back. Her style and energy is second to none. We expext big things from this individual "sky is the limit." Leave you with one of her quotes,"Your cloths don’t make up for the lack of personality you have buddy!" Cant get no more real than that....Nevertheless check our fashion mogul, "Ketsy Pierre"
Name: Ketsy A. Pierre
Age: 22yrs
Locality: Roselle, NJ
Trade by Day: Student
Hobbies & Talents: I would say I do pretty much everything execept play music hahahah.. But I’m never afraid to try something new
Favorite Brands: The thift store is my spot & of course my cousin Tamar Joseph’s closet.. Which is pretty much the thift store in its self lol; definitely not a label whore.. So if I like it I’ll wear it
Fashion Trends (Favorite and Least Favorite) My least favorite tread is of course the leggings.. People just don’t know how to wear it properly.. I don’t know if you can call shoulder pads a fashion trend because it’s been around for years, but I like it on a couple of pieces..
What comes to mind when you hear Dirty Backpack Krew:
Well when I first heard it I asked myself: “What the hell?”, but then I checked out your blog & info and of course I was digging it.
What is your plan for 2010 and beyond: To put God first in whatever I do; and to graduate with my bachelor and Master degree in Social Work..
Any last words to the bloggers:
Stay humble with anything you do.. Please put god first that’s the only way you can be successful honestly… ooh yeah some words for the people that are so shallow & that only cares about how fly they are.. Your cloths don’t make up for the lack of personality you have buddy.. I can definitely smell that from a mile away.. and to just be yourself