Beneath every hat is a soul, an expression, a bad hair day, someone dying for attention, and a celebrity hiding from it. A hat can either be the frosting on a cake or the extra ingredient that wasn’t needed. Therefore, this accessory has the capability to benefit an outfit or simply overdue it. According to The hat ladies of Charleston, “Hats should say something more than I’m covering your head. Hats are like people: sometimes they reveal; sometimes they conceal.”
To wear a hat is one thing, but what you choose to wear with it is another. The white cotton, embroidered gold anchor patch, and gold rope surrounding the padded black rim is what makes the yacht captain’s hat so unique. Today, either everyone is smooth sailing, or the captain hat has become a phase of fashion. Victoria Beckham, Pink, Lady Ga Ga and M.I.A are just a few that have sported the look with their tasteful ensembles. Needless to say, many find this look to be odd while others find it daring.
For those that are not behind the wheel of a ship, this look may be rather sketchy to pull off. But in a world where fashion exists, nothing is impossible. The yacht captain’s hat can be purchased on e-bay for under $15 with shipping and handling included! So take a risk, one that’s affordable.
Don’t let the design fool you. As hats come in numerous shapes, sizes and styles, they often draw attention to the face. We see colors that make us forget about the price, and designs that make us forget to try it on. But a smart woman shops responsibly, remembering that her checklist applied to men goes for everything that’s coming out of her wallet too.
The results lie within the mirror. One is never hard to find because almost every section in a store has one. Mounted in the wall, behind the fitting room door, or even on the ceiling, is your persona looking back at you. The key is “close observation.” Though this may take 5 to 10 minutes, a good decision can last a lifetime. Hats are just waiting for personalities to fit into. Whether the shape of your face is oval, round or square, there is a hat out there for you and another lady too.